Tuesday 17 June 2014

Arts award event

The event i will be reviewing is a concert from a band called 'sleeping with sirens'  this took place at the 02 academy in Newcastle. the venue was small and there wasn't any seats but the atmosphere was really cool. most of the people there were between 16 and 20. The music was all mainly rock but there was some that was more like pop as well.

(these are some pictures i took whilst at the event)

there was also some merchandise on sale, such as many different t-shirts and some wrist bands, i bought a wrist band, and my brothers both bought different t-shirts. I still where my wrist band now over a year later.
The music was loud and kinda hurt my ears but that just makes it better, if i just wanted to listen to there music i could have just sat at home and went on youtube. it was a fantastic experience and i would love to do it again.
one of my favorite parts about the concert was when they started spraying water guns over everyone in the front of the hall. the only part i didn't like was the waiting, there was about 1 hour of waiting before they came out. even though the wait was so long, the atmosphere was very lively and everyone was still having lots of fun. they played for about 1 hour - 1 hour 30 mins

There were two other bands there before SWS came out, these were 'the word alive' and 'our last night'. these were okay  but were not great.

the band members include:
  • Kellin Quinn – lead vocals (2009–present)
  • Justin Hills – bass guitar (2009–present)
  • Gabe Barham – drums (2009–present)
  • Jack Fowler – lead guitar (2011–present)
  • Nick Martin - rhythm guitar (touring 2013-present)

All of the songs they played at the concert are from the album 'lets cheers to this' including songs such as:
Let's Cheers to This
Do It Now Remember It Later
If You Can't Hang
Who Are You Now
Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime

Did they put on a good performance?
the concert was fantastic, the songs were performed awesomely and the atmosphere was always very ecstatic, so even during the time before they came out there was never a dull moment. i think the mixture of songs to audience interaction was really spot on and with this being my first concert, the impressions i got were all i could ask for and more.

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